The fist S of wine tasting is: See.
Here we evaluate the various colors of our wine, the intensity of the color throughout the wine, the clarity of the body and even aging.
The Five S’s of Wine Tasting: Swirl
Agitating the wine encourages oxygenation, opening up the wine and encouraging the vapor compounds to release for the next S: Smell.
The Five S’s of Wine Tasting: Sniff
Involving the olfactory bulb [hooray CN 1]. The aroma or nose provides a bouquet that brings the flavor compounds to our nose. Remember: nothing is correct or incorrect, this is your experience.
The Five S’s of Wine Tasting: Sip
We finally get to the best part: sipping the wine! Here are we are experiencing the aromas in the mouth; the intensity of the aromas, the character, personality, texture, dimension, weight and astringency of the palate. We experience the five core tastes: salty, bitter, sweet, sour and umami. Enjoy!
The Five S’s of Wine Tasting: Savor
And this is the best part - the part where you experience the wine as it opens up, as it breathes, and as it takes you away. Cheers!